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C&C Group is committed to the safety of our Associates and our customers.  We are continuously monitoring the COVID-19 outbreak and continue to adapt policies with the health and well-being of our employees, clients, and trade partners at the forefront.

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic C&C Group instituted and followed all the recommended guidelines set forth by the CDC.  Although considered an “essential” company, we instituted a work from home policy for all those associates who were able to do so.  Following our business continuity plan, we were able to get all five office locations in a work from home situation overnight.  This included our service dispatch personnel as well as our entire engineering and project management staff with zero downtime on jobs or service requests. 

We continue to monitor the situation and will continue to follow all CDC guidelines as the situation warrants.  To protect C&C Group’s and our project teams’ employees, we have made and will continue to make changes to our work practices based upon guidance from our federal, state and local governments. 

During this time our supply chain has remained uninterrupted.  We have many customers that operate mission critical facilities (i.e. hospitals, data centers, etc.) where schedules could not be delayed or were accelerated during this time.  All projects continue to move forward on schedule and our manufacturers continue to indicate that the supply chain will not be interrupted. 

We are a family owned company and in turn believe each of our associates are a member therefore we take extra precautions to ensure the safety and well-being of our associates.  We are committed to the safety of our associates and to other contractors and will continue to follow all CDC guidelines until directed otherwise by the CDC. 

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